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CoachBot MVP

Guided chat to reflect and connect.

Designed to amplify and deepen human connection in mentoring and counseling programs. We imagine use cases including:

  • Intake interviews for clients

  • Guided reflections for students

  • New mentor matching


We will Customize:

  • Persona, voice, identity for your learners

  • Methods and techniques for your content



  • Generate doc transcript to edit and discuss

  • Maximize limited face-to-face time together

  • Dashboard oversight for program admins

Extend and Deepen

CoachBots are designed to extend coaching and mentoring relationships by supporting learners through structured interviews and guided reflection. These interactions with custom persona use tailored clinical methodologies and refer to your own knowledge base.

Features of CoachBot

We have designed the CoachBot MVP to demonstrate a postsecondary exploration appolication.  We imagine many use cases for CoachBots that relay on the following tech features and architecture we deployed in this MVP


Powered by GPT

Using OpenAI API to deliver GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, powered language models for natural language chat.


Custom Methodology

Define and deploy a clinical approach for CoachBot's interview methodology.


Admin Dashoard

Monitor learner interactions to ensure safety, and steer CoachBot's responses to finetune persona to FAQs.


Your Knowledge Base

CoachBots refer to your source material, ensuring trusted and relevant information for learners.


Tailored Personas

Collaboratively design personas during instructional design to match learners' program's goals.


Integrated w Google Drive

Save a chat transcript as Google Document, within school managed accounts permissions.


1 / Select your Grade Level and Persona

The prompts behind these selections can be tuned to your particular use case.

2 / CoachBot Leads the Interview

Each persona has been "trained" on a specific interview methodology and grade appropriate goals for identity exploration and  postsecondary exploration.

3 / Learners Click Save

Click "Save" to log into your Google Drive and save the chat transcript as a document. This gives access to LEAs or orgs that manage student accounts. The first time you use this MVP, you will authorize the app (see image below)

Google Doc export for seamless collaboration. 

Students, counselors, families, and/or support staff can share, comment, and refer to this document to support face-to-face conversations. 

When you click SAVE you’ll be asked to sign in to Google:

Allow access by clicking “continue” to export to a new Google Document.

  • linkedin

© 2023 Integral Ed Services, LLC.

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